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irelia,Irelia, the Blade Dancer Master the Art of the Ionian Blade


As one of the most beloved champions in League of Legends, Irelia has become a fan favorite for her unique playstyle, strong laning phase, and flashy abilities. Known as the Blade Dancer, Irelia has a long and storied history in the game, with players constantly discovering new ways to master the art of the Ionian blade.

One of the things that sets Irelia apart from other champions is her versatility. Whether you're looking to dominate in the top lane or wreak havoc in the mid lane, Irelia has the tools to make it happen. With her Ionian Fervor passive, Irelia gains additional attack speed and tenacity based on the number of enemy champions around her, allowing her to excel in team fights and skirmishes alike.

But perhaps the most iconic aspect of Irelia's kit is the way she uses her blades to move around the battlefield. Her Q, Bladesurge, allows her to dash to a target, dealing damage and resetting its cooldown if the target is killed. This, combined with her E, Flawless Duet, which allows her to throw out two blades that stun and damage enemies, gives Irelia an incredible amount of mobility and crowd control.

Of course, mastering Irelia is about more than just using her abilities effectively. To truly become an expert with the Blade Dancer, you'll need to master her laning phase, her team fighting, and her itemization as well. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Laning Phase

irelia,Irelia, the Blade Dancer Master the Art of the Ionian Blade

When playing Irelia in the top lane, it's important to be aggressive early on. Her passive allows her to stack up Ionian Fervor quickly, giving her increased attack speed and tenacity, as well as added sustain from her Q and W abilities. This makes her a strong duelist and allows her to trade effectively against most other top laners.

irelia,Irelia, the Blade Dancer Master the Art of the Ionian Blade

Try to use Bladesurge to dash through minions and land on top of your opponent, using your W, Hiten Style, to increase your damage output and your healing. Use your E, Flawless Duet, to stun your opponent and land a few autos before backing off. With Irelia's mobility and sustain, you should be able to control the lane and force your opponent to play defensively.

Team Fighting

When it comes to team fighting, Irelia's mobility and crowd control make her a valuable asset. Look for opportunities to dive onto the enemy backline, using Bladesurge to get in close and Flawless Duet to stun your targets. Use your ultimate, Vanguard's Edge, to create a zone that slows enemies and blocks off paths of escape.

At the same time, be aware of your positioning and health bar. While Irelia's passive provides a lot of sustain, she is still relatively squishy and can be quickly burst down if focused. Use your Q to dash out of danger and reposition if necessary, always focusing on taking out high priority targets before they can deal too much damage to your team.


In terms of itemization, Irelia benefits from a mix of damage, attack speed, and survivability. Trinity Force is a core item on her, providing her with increased damage, attack speed, and mobility. Blade of the Ruined King and Wit's End are also strong options, giving her lifesteal, on-hit damage, and magic resist.

For defensive items, consider items like Guardian Angel or Randuin's Omen. These will provide you with added survivability, allowing you to stay in fights longer and deal more damage over time.

Overall, mastering Irelia takes time and practice. But with her incredible mobility, strong laning phase, and flashy abilities, she is a champion that is well worth the effort. Whether you're looking to climb the ranks or simply have fun in your games, the Blade Dancer is an excellent choice that will always keep you on your toes.