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As a seasoned League of Legends player, I have had the pleasure of playing countless champions and mastering their unique playstyles. However, there are two champions that will always hold a special place in my heart: Talon and Zed. Today, I want to focus on Talon, the blade's shadow, and share my experience and insights on playing him.

The Basics

Talon is an assassin champion that specializes in dealing burst damage and quickly taking down squishy targets. His kit is focused on mobility, stealth, and burst potential. The key to playing Talon effectively is mastering his combo and knowing when to engage.

Firstly, let's take a look at Talon's abilities:

Noxian Diplomacy: Talon's passive enhances his basic attack to deal additional damage. This ability is useful for last-hitting minions and harassing your enemy laner.

Rake: Talon throws out his blades in a cone, dealing damage and slowing enemies hit. This is your main poke ability in lane and the first ability you should max.

Assassin's Path: Talon vaults over any terrain or structure. This ability is useful for ganking and escaping sticky situations.

Shadow Assault: Talon becomes invisible and throws blades around him, dealing damage to enemies hit. This ability is your ultimate and should be used in combination with your other abilities for maximum burst potential.

The Combo

The key to playing Talon effectively is mastering his combo. Here is a breakdown of his combo:

E (Assassin's Path): Use this ability to engage on your target, either by jumping over a wall or dashing towards them.


AA (Noxian Diplomacy): Immediately after using E, use Talon's passive to enhance your basic attack for additional damage.

Q (Noxian Diplomacy): Use Talon's Q to deal additional damage and apply a bleed effect.

W (Rake): Use Talon's W to deal additional damage and slow your target.

R (Shadow Assault): Use Talon's ultimate to become invisible and deal damage around you. Use this ability in combination with your other abilities for maximum burst potential.


It's important to note that Talon's W is a skillshot and can be difficult to land. Practice landing it on moving targets in the practice tool to improve your accuracy.

Laning Phase

In the laning phase, Talon should focus on poking his enemies down with his W and setting up all-ins with his combo. Use your E to either escape ganks or engage on your target. Once you hit level 6, you should look for opportunities to roam and gank other lanes.

As a melee champion, Talon can have a difficult time in certain matchups. He struggles against champions with strong poke and range, such as Ziggs or Syndra. It's important to play safe and farm under tower in these matchups, waiting for an opportunity to engage or for your jungler to gank.


In teamfights, Talon should focus on taking down the enemy carry and then escaping. Use your E to get in, use your combo to burst down the carry, and then use your ultimate to become invisible and escape.

It's important to note that Talon is a high-risk, high-reward champion. If you fall behind, it can be difficult to come back into the game. However, if you get ahead, you can quickly snowball and take over the game.


Talon is a fun and rewarding champion to play, but he takes practice to master. Focus on landing your combo and knowing when to engage. Play safe in difficult matchups and look for opportunities to roam and gank other lanes. Remember, Talon is a high-risk, high-reward champion, so be careful and have fun!